Expectation Evaporation…


woman water photography model
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I realized as the year rolled to an end, that I was tired and so were my expectations.  It felt as if I had been carrying my expectations as a bowl of water on my head throughout the year.  However, the year was ending and the bowl was dry – expectation evaporation! I didn’t want to hear from one more minister! Don’t prophecy how awesome the year will be, I beg you.  This was not at all in light of not having a great 2018.  There was nothing that I was sad about..but ooooh to have something real and solid!  As usual I laid it all out before GOD, who was insisting on speaking the word “cycle” to me repeatedly.  I was done after revisiting my journal of the year and viewing promises that seem to have avoided me.  My feelings were, “Let’s just only say what GOD is saying. Not another word!”  Can you relate?

December to January was significantly reflective.  I yearned for and guarded violently my every opportunity for stillness GOD’s presence.   HE would speak…I knew it!  When HE did…I was excited even as I was corrected repeatedly.  I loved it.  I understood that the body of Christ of which I am a part, had half-quoted the promises of GOD, being careful to memorize what God’s responsibilities were, while ignoring ours.  It’s the “If Then” of the promises.  “If you would…then I will” or “I will do this for you, only do…”  Is it any wonder we are brattishly going about disappointed with GOD who we know desires to grant us the desires of our hearts!!!! Come on! 

The thing is that there is an “If.”  “If you delight yourself in me, I will grant you the desires of your heart.” Ps 37:4  Alarmingly, I heard a minister explain that delight actually means to become supple and pliable in GOD’s hand!!!  Our ability to do so qualifies us for our hearts’ desires being met by GOD! If that part of the clause is not satisfied, neither will the other.  GOD told Joshua that if he were careful to obey then a mountain of blessings would be his. (Joshua 1:7-9)  Psalm 91 is loaded with powerful promises but all of them are for the person who dwells in the secret place.  Likewise Isaiah 54, you know “No weapon formed against me shall prosper?”  This promise is only for those who are his servants.  They live to be of service to GOD and carry out His commands.

Here’s another part-to-play-promise. “Submit to GOD resist the devil and he will flee.”

Sometimes we are ready to enter into warfare before considering what part of our lives has not been submitted to GOD. This could actually be where the enemy received a foothold into our lives. James 4:7

Increasingly, Christians are being conditioned to do nothing and  get everything from GOD because He loves us.  Seriously, Jhn 14:15 says, “If you love me, keep my commands.” That’s the love He prescribes.  So, what if you and I break the cycle of complacency and keep our side of the promise? GOD is so beautiful and faithful!!!

I welcome GOD’s correction, for in it is life.  I am revived not just from revelation of the “If Then Clauses,” but from His presence in the place of waiting in stillness.


JOY Bomb!

0e4127244_1427810858_2015-blog-weaponofmassdestructionClearly GOD’s thoughts are so far above ours, not to mention His ways! God says simple things to us and we have no idea that what is simple to Him can fry our brain cells in its intensity. A simple truth like “Rejoice always…” is easily overlooked when we have to be so serious about life.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 |

Joy seems to be something for children who are just unaware of the great matters us adults have to handle. Is it any wonder we are told by JESUS to be like them to enter into the Kingdom of GOD? (NIV MK 10:15 “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”) So what’s the Kingdom about?Righteousness, peace and ….JOY! (Rm 14:7) We are cornered by the need to be joyful!!!

Oh, we just want to get away from everything and get into the presence of GOD! But…what is in the presence of GOD? “In His presence is the fullness of JOY!!!!(Ps 16:11)

Yikes!  It’s looking serious…this JOY thing.  Why is GOD so persistent with it?!!!

“The joy of the LORD is my strength!” Nehemiah 8:10  It says do not grieve because the joy of the Lord is your strength! So, can we see that without the joy of the LORD we are weak and ill equipped to triumph? Never does the Bible say we are to check the status of our situation and then see if rejoicing makes sense.  Actually, we choose to have JOY because we have faith in GOD that HE has great plans for us…that HIS promises are ours…that HIS Word never fails….that HE is ordering our steps…that HE will cause ALL things to work together for good for those who love HIM.  If we believe, our only response is JOY! Don’t worry if the moment you choose to be joyful, you don’t feel it.  Open your mouth. Confess HIS Word! Sing and make music…out of tune or in tune…season the atmosphere with praise!  This is war, but not as we know it.   “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through GOD to the pulling down of the stronghold of the enemy!!” 2 Cor 10:14

 NIV 2 Cor 10:14
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

JOY is a weapon of mass destruction! It does not make sense naturally. Who cares? Use it to dumbfound the enemy. Choose JOY and protect it! Protect your joy from assailing thoughts.  Stop them in their tracks. Release your words consistently… You will rise above…You will soar…You will have a clear mind! Victory is a guarantee!!




apples of gold“Like apples of gold in a setting of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.” Proverb 25:11 

Expressing our feelings can be way overrated! Who said if you think it or feel it you must express it.  That may sound upsetting, but so much could have been avoided if we stopped to taste our words.  Honestly, it does take discipline not to blurt out hurtful words when we are rubbed the wrong way. Some feel they must let that person have it. They may be right at times.  However, there are many of times that we should say nothing, walk away and think it through.  Ask, why am I upset.  If we are honest with ourselves we will learn a lot.  Often times we are really so upset because of a previous wounds that someone callously irritated.  The level of anger triggered at that moment is much more than the situation even merits, but since we are not only reacting to the one stimulus, but the many other things in the past that sent the same message indicating that we are, for example, incompetent, GOD help the recipient.  Unknowingly, this person has walked into a war which started before they were born, if they’re children.

As Christians, self-control is a fruit that seems to grow slowly.  We are all under construction but as we grow we learn to hear the words we are about to say and weigh it against the Word of GOD. Sometimes we are speaking in order to satisfy something within us. Our motive, which contributes to our thoughts, is one of the main culprits.  Why am saying these words to her?  Why am I trying to defend myself? Ask the Holy Spirit for help and the answers will come.  Even when the other person is wrong, I am the only person, I have the responsibility of controlling.

Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin. Prov 13:3

It is a great investment to preserve our words and see if they should even be said at another time or weighed and thrown out.  Not everything has to be said.  When we hold it and take it to GOD sincerely, HE often works on us and change our hearts. Let you and I try not to blurt what is sure to hurt.






Faith That Wobbles


There are unidentified erroneous foundational beliefs that we all have that threatens  our faith. Though we aspire to go from one level of glory to another, we find ourselves deficient in the fuel it takes to get there.


We keep filling up but mysteriously fail to maintain our high fuel level.


Maybe we have a belief system that creates holes in our faith.

Many of us grew up with some amount of superstition marinated into our thinking.  Superstition is one contributor to not maintaining faith and the anointing.

It’s as simple as this:  Imagine if you were cultured to fear darkness throughout your early years.  Eventually, you will esteem the power of darkness and subtly succumb to the deception that this is the greatest power to fear.  Even after adding GOD to the equation of your life, your foundation has been set on a lie. Without realizing it, you have esteemed darkness above GOD.  You would never, of course, open your mouth and utter such nonsense! You know better!

Still you react to darkness and things of the dark world with great fear.  Some adults cannot sleep without the light or the television on.   The truth is that whatever we fear we esteem as greater than what we have or have access to.  Fear resist faith and faith repels fear.

Unless we through revelation seek a true eradication of these foundational errors, we will live a non-productive Christian life.

With every fibre in our being we must face these silent lies and pray them out.  In addition, we must get a truth injection to counteract the work of the lie.  This way we will leave no holes or entry points for the enemy of our souls to exploit us and gain access. GOD the source of all power, strength and truth must take back that place in our heart, where HE alone is feared, revered and stood in awe of.  Holy Spirit is the one who shines the light on the darkness in our souls.

Ask GOD:  What do I believe that is contrary to my destiny in you GOD?


FATHER, Let your light penetrate my soul through every crevice and crease and remove every darkness. Fill my soul with light and truth and make me whole that I may carry your glory more and more. In JESUS name I pray, Amen.

God’s Love Language

I’ve figured out GOD’s Love Language!love-of-god-tree-heart Gary Chapman’s book, the Five Love Languages, explains how we communicate love to others and receive love from others. In any relationship these languages are spoken: Acts of Service, Gift Giving, Quality Time, Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation.  Having considered what truly communicates to your spouse, child or friend that you really love him or her, it is expected that you live together reaching for that moment where you make another meaningful deposit in their proverbial “love bank.”

What if GOD has a Love Language that HE desires you to speak to HIM? Well…He does. John, the beloved, actually reveals it.  Who better to reveal it than him?  He calls himself “the one that JESUS loved.” (Doesn’t that make you jealous?) The Gospel of John has that charm of someone who is intimately acquainted with the Savior: so well acquainted that he highlighted JESUS’ tender moments.

Guess what makes GOD feels loved!

John 14:15 says  “If you love me, keep my commands.”

Obedience!  Today I have purposed to do the things HE has impressed on me to do. Of course, we know to obey HIS Word, but there are also specific things that HE has given you to do.  The willful work of procrastination and complacency numbs our hearts to the urgency of GOD’s instructions.  Intentionally, I set out to make some deposits in GOD’s Love Bank.  What has HE told me to do that I have not done? What about you?  Give GOD some love by being intentional about being obedient. HE loves you passionately!


Bring the light!

I became uncomfortable at the steady suggestions. It was what I did not know I feared.  I sat in Church trying to be normal and simply listen to the word that was being taught. Every few minutes I …

Source: Bring the light!

Bring the light!


I became uncomfortable at the steady suggestions. It was what I did not know I feared.  I sat in Church trying to be normal and simply listen to the word that was being taught. Every few minutes I was prompted by the word to gaze away to this challenge I was being given. The more clear the vision became, the more anxious I became.  I would lose my privacy! I would lose my life as I know it! I would become too accessible!

My protest was met with more details, which served to pull me further in. I could see my yard crowded with the neighbors’ children, shouting out HIS infallible word.  Their songs would wake the valley.  Life would come through their musicals, artworks, and recitals. They would know a tangible GOD.  This was no Sunday School; this was GOD set to art.  It was exciting and scary.  I would need the help of those who are like-minded.  Actually, they just needed to know that the rule is: LOVE. No matter how they looked, talked or acted.

I said “yes,” not knowing how I would be received or perceived, but not asking either.  Brave on the outside and jello on the inside.- “With Knees Knocking.”  On the first day of Mountain Movers Children’s Club, I prayed and prayed and prayed…for rain!  None!

I was addicted to this ministry for seven years.  Sure many will say that it changed their lives: youths, mothers, and onlookers.  Yet, it was my life that felt like it was on steroids.

It was SUPER-natural – Like a group of teens holding hands in a circle and GOD shows up through visions, impressions, and several other manifestations that blew them away!  Like telling over 30 children to bring their book lists since GOD will supply their needs and at the last minute someone unknown from another nation sought a charity to give to and found us.  Like promising 70 children a hot meal for the week of VBS and finding a dirty bag of money at the gate with brand new unsoiled notes the day before….Like seeing the neighbors receive JESUS after dramatizing a modern day court scene where JESUS takes the convicted don man’s sentence. It was priceless the day they would not go home and decided to pray in the front yard while I counseled a girl. I wanted to rest and felt quite out of it.  “So you want GOD!” They responded with a prompt yes. They proceeded to call out on the top of their lungs, “JESUS! We want you!” People stood at my gate probably wondering what I was doing to the children. Then HE came! Some spoke in tongues, while others looked like they had strong drinks. The fact that we had no catchers probably was the only reason they were able to stand.

I had nothing to do with it!

I just said YES.

Where there is purpose, there is provision.

Who HE calls HE qualifies.

So many persons are waiting for one person to bring the light. For that phase of life I mined diamonds in the valley and eventually began mentoring mothers.

Initially,  I feared I would have to give up a lot.  I was right. I gave up more than I thought I would. Wow!  I also gained more than I could have asked, thought of or imagined. Recently, I saw a picture of one of my little girls in her scrubs, gloves and hairnet…on her way to becoming a doctor.  She said, “Auntie, I explicitly remember that Sunday when you taught us how to dream…there and then I realized we serve a limitless GOD!”
















Truth Allergy

Anyone who dutifully tastes his or her words before spitting them out, is named among the wise.  Yet, our world is woefully in need of the truth.  A husband may quickly caution his wife about how s…

Source: Truth Allergy